Have you created your Roadmap Recovery Plans?

Now is the time to develop your business recovery roadmaps. If you are not sure where to start, here is a step-by-step guideline I developed incorporating 9 “P’s” & 6 “C’s” which I use to create roadmaps and business plans.
There is no one-size-fits-all, but I hope the below tips assist.

Let’s start with the “P” s:-
![]() PURPOSE | | ![]() PROCESSES |
Why? How? What? When? Where? Without knowing your purpose, you cannot create a workable, practical, successful plan. and most importantly, continue to focus on the “why,” you decided to get into business? | | From your systems, procedures, and policies ensure whatever processes you utilize and create, are compliant, well documented, and as well communicated. Maintain the integrity of your Purposes and Principles; don’t compromise your values, just keep them simple and clear. |
![]() PLAN | | ![]() PEOPLE |
Once you have worked out your Why, How’s, When’s and What’s, start creating your roadmap. The COVID experience taught us that unexpected external influences can impact on business plans. Everything is easier in hindsight, so use the experience of the past 18 months to develop a contingency plan and put measurable milestones in place that focus on your goals and what you can control. Having a contingency plan in place will take the pressure off and enable you to change tact. | | This is the most important aspect of your recovery plan as it is not just about the people who are creating, processing, and implementing the plan, but the impact on your clients, customers, suppliers, and staff. With each step within your plan, communicate with clarity and consistency to everyone that is impacted. Keep your staff, clients, customers, and suppliers in the loop. Do not assume they know what to do. Assumptions could become costly, problematic and create conflict. If you are not sure, have a chat with a HR consultant, your staff and if required, a Legal Representative. |
![]() PRINCIPALS | | ![]() PLACES |
Within your plan ensure that you maintain your business principles, values, and mission statements. They promote your credibility, professionalism, and business ethics. | | Refers to every location ventured as part of your business strategy. |
![]() PHASES | | ![]() PRICE |
Coming out of any business continuity plans or disruption such as the COVID-19 Pandemic is not an easy ride. However, breaking your roadmap into three phases (Early Recovery, Mid Term and Long Term) will enable you to get back to some normality faster. Within each phase, ensure you break your plans into milestones:
Promote each phase and don’t be afraid to adjust along the way. But remember to keep focused on your purpose and remain aligned with your principles. | | Maintain your price structure, know your costs and have a contingency budget in place. Understanding and managing your cashflow This will help your business stay afloat. Where possible, negotiate with key suppliers and speak with your accountant. Review your costs and appreciate annual CPI increases. Review your financial goals every month to stay on track and that you have budgeted accordingly. Speak with your accountant, to verify and provide professional financial advice. |
| ![]() PROJECTIONS | |
![]() | Finally, while we do not hold a crystal ball and can not predict what the future holds, we can develop contingency plans, consider and prepare for potential external and internal influences. These past 18 months have made us all more resilient, appreciative of what is important, and understand that external influences need to be considered with any future plans. Do not forget your own mental health, your staff and most importantly your customers. Create policies and procedures to support your staff, help them work through and rise above unexpected influences. |

Finally, the “C” s:-
Communication is a key ingredient not just in the workplace but in our everyday lives. Without effective communications plans are useless. So, when communicating without customers, suppliers, and staff to ensure that the messages are clear, consistent, and simple. There are numerous forms of communication, but we need to ensure the right words are distributed through the right channels to engage with the right people. So, develop some form of feedback forum. Send out a monthly newsletter or survey to your clients and ask them, what is the best channel to engage with them? Is it email, a phone conversation, a text message, or a letter? Or setting up a meeting. | | ![]() |
![]() CLARITY | | |
If you are not sure how to communicate, what words to use, what angles to engage, what channels to use, it may be in your best interests to hire an external party to spend quality time on identifying your clients, their interests and the best way to engage. Sending out any form of communication that is not understood is a waste of time. | | COVID has taught us to be agile and helped us become more resilient. When creating and implementing your roadmaps or plans for recovery, consider these P’s and C’s. |
![]() CONNECTIONS | | |
Just like a puzzle, it is important that all the pieces of the puzzle connect in all the right places. This is the same with your roadmap, ensure that all your processes and plans are in synergy. Understanding a few of your competitors and collaborating with your connections will keep you abreast of trends and opportunities. | | On a positive note, COVID restrictions enabled us to be more creative and think outside the box. |
![]() CUSTOMERS | | |
Without your customers, there is no business. At the same time, you need to maintain your purpose and principles. Do this by keeping in regular contact with your customers; maybe a monthly newsletter or email, let them know you are still operating and there for them. They too have budgets and costs they need to adhere to. Finally, when you are making any plans and decisions in your roadmap remember the impact it will have on your customers, but uphold your purpose and principles. | | Lastly, stay positive and ensure you include a wellness reward, a break, and a team-building exercise to get everyone back on track. Reach out to your resources and networks, ask them how they are doing? |
![]() CONSISTENCY | | |
Being consistent allows your customer to appreciate your product and service quality. Also, ensuring that your staff and suppliers are on the same page, will consistently respectively to delivery, regardless of the situation. | | At ProAdmin Solutions, we pride ourselves on helping you focus on your purpose, quality of life and the core objectives of your business. ProAdmin Solution- Save Time and Stay Agile with Effective Business Systems. |
![]() COMPLIANCE | | |
This includes all aspects of your business, including, W, H & S, financial obligations, general operations and legal regulations that you need to adhere to on a day-to-day basis. Understand the cans versus the can't and make sure that you comply with the law in all aspects of your business. | |
Recovery Plan Checklist Snap Shot |
A checklist is one good way to help you create your roadmap to recovery and to ensure you have ticked all of the boxes.
Below is a snapshot of what my recovery plan checklist overview entails.
Want us to help you create your checklist or processes in creating your roadmap to recovery plan?
Contact us today.
